"Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests."
Is it any good and is worth spending some time on?
As with all social media platforms, it depends on how many people are using it, and whether you can engage with them effectively.
I have quickly built up a few followers from my usual circle of 'early adopter' suspects and I am enjoying using it to collect favourite and inspirational images.
Will Pinterest be of use? That remains to be seen, but there is some interesting research suggesting it may have a bright future.
Driving traffic to your website
According to market data carried out by Shareaholic in January, Pinterest provides more referral traffic than YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+. It is also growing its share rapidly (up 2.5% to 3.6% between December 2011 and January 2012). It now sits just behind Twitter in the league table.
However, Facebook still dominates referral traffic (26.4% in January).
Using Pinterest to promote your business
Pinterest could provide much potential to visually inspire and engage with your customers...
You could use it to get feedback from customers about the look and feel of your new product or design or shop layout.
Or, showcase how your customers are using your products. A clothing store could have a picture of one of their customers in one of their outfits. This gives potential customers inspiration and make existing ones who are 'pinned,' feel special.
Find out more
Here is a good beginners guide provided by those fine people at Mashable explaining a bit more about Pinterest and how you can use it.
You are also welcome to email me or give me a call to discuss ways to integrate Pinterest within your online marketing strategy.
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